
Commercial organizations. Hotels.

PRICE: 12.000 USD.

Hotels, hotel businesses all over the world.
List of records, sorted by Part of the world > Country > City (Region).

Each entry contains necessarily Name and Address fields. If available, the following fields can be:
- Rating (stars)
- Phone
- Email
- Geo-coordinates

Short summary: 2.5M unique records, 247K emails, 531K phones

Statistics by Parts of the world and Regions:
(total records, unique addresses, unique emails, unique phones)
Asia: 306K, 188K, 22K, 56K
North America: 222K, 117K, 13K, 63K
South America: 130K, 75K, 9K, 23K
Africa: 118K, 58K, 12K, 22K
Caribbean: 41K, 24K, 3.8K, 9.9K
Central America: 41K, 21K, 3.4K, 8.7K
Australia: 54K, 26K, 4.9K, 12K
East: 34K, 21K, 3.7K, 7K
Europe: 1591K, 728K, 176K, 330K

Data relevance: early 2022.
Data for 2017 can be added free upon request.