
Commercial organizations. Restaurants.

PRICE: 15.000 USD.

Restaurants, cafes, bars all over the world.
List of records, sorted by Part of the world > Country > City (Region).

Each entry contains necessarily Name and Address fields. If available, the following fields can be:
- Rating
- Relative price level
- Phone
- Web
- Email
- Cuisine
- Features
- Geo-coordinates

Short summary: 4.2M unique records, 974K emails, 3.2M phones

Statistics by Parts of the world and Regions:
(total records, unique addresses, unique emails, unique phones)
Europe: 1410K, 1215K, 545K, 1100K
United States: 743K, 671K, 147K, 638K
South Pacific: 89K, 80K, 29K, 71K
Central America: 15K, 13K, 6K, 11K
Caribbean: 18K, 16K, 6K, 13K
Mexico: 49K, 47K, 19K, 39K
Canada: 84K, 75K, 24K, 72K
Middle East: 39K, 32K, 10K, 29K
Asia: 1382K, 1162K, 83K, 1120K
Africa: 52K, 46K, 18K, 36K
South America: 402K, 383K, 65K, 164K

Data relevance: early 2022.
Data for 2017 can be added free upon request.